How to Effectively Receive Wire & Cable Shipments
When's the last time you evaluated your processes for receiving incoming shipments? An effective system can mean the difference in saving time, maintaining accurate inventory, reducing costs, and improving the overall processes while preserving the quality of your investment. Here are 4 ways to ensure a smooth receiving process:
1.) Visual inspection
Upon delivery, be sure to conduct a thorough assessment:
- Count pallets
- Verify LPN from packing list to pallets (pink sticker)
- Count pieces per pallet verifying with the count on the pink sticker
- Verify all pallet wrap is intact
If you see damage of any kind, it should be reported to the carrier and notified on the bill of lading BEFORE the freight carrier leaves. Pictures of up-close damage are helpful but limit our ability to thoroughly investigate the root cause. A full view of the pallets that is of concern along with the surrounding pallets is preferred.

As part of the visual inspection, Encore Wire's tagging system makes it quick and simple to identify your order, ensuring quality and length. All labels are placed on the outside of the product, eliminating the hassle of searching through stacks to identify contents. Additionally, custom marks are available upon request and for ease of use in the field.
2.) unloading process
It's important to follow a careful unloading process to prevent damage to your investment. Please use proper equipment, and never let forklifts touch the wire. Note, that it's advised NOT to flip reels of wire with a forklift. By implementing effective material handling procedures, the workflow is streamlined, and the value of your investment is preserved.
3.) storage
Reels should be stored indoors on a smooth, hard, and dry surface to ensure their integrity. It is important to chock each reel from both sides to prevent movement and potential damage if stored in roll-off position. Additionally, align the reel's flange to flange for optimal space utilization. Storing the reels in an orderly manner away from construction traffic and movement of vehicles will prevent damage to the reels.
4.) quality & consistency
Jim Eldringhoff, Principal/Outside Sales at Meridian Electrical Sales shares, "{Encore Wire's} quoting and order entry process has quality assurance procedures that provide all parties with peace of mind. We cross check our bill of material against the original description that the contractor provided. We make sure that colors and cable constructions are accurate. Our order entry process is rechecked to ensure that construction, cut lengths, colors, and tagging matches the expectations of the purchase order. Accurately inspecting deliveries is a vital "last mile" piece that avoids potential delays and emergency replacements."
For questions or additional support, contact your local Encore Wire Representative.